

С槼ºÖ±²¥ College is a company limited by Guarantee (ACN 008 428 331) and, as such, is subject to the appropriate legislation of the Companies’ Act and the regulations of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

С槼ºÖ±²¥ College is owned and conducted by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC), a Congregation of Priests and Brothers within the Catholic Church which operates in over fifty countries. The elected leader of the Province of the Congregation in Australia carries the title of Provincial Superior (Provincial).

The company members are appointed by the Provincial-in-Council. Only a member of the MSC Congregation can be a company member. The company members are charged with ensuring that the College fulfils the Philosophy and Educational Vision of the MSC, as set out in the Constitution.

The Principal of the College is appointed by the Provincial.

The College Board of Directors is the key policy making body within the School. The management of the Company is vested in the Board; however, the Board limits itself to matters of overall governance and leaves the day to day management of the College to the Principal.

The Board, as per the Constitution of the Company, consists of not more than twelve members. A delegate of the Provincial and the Principal of the College are members. Other members are appointed by the Provincial. Other than the Principal, staff members are not eligible to be appointed Directors, except in the case of members of staff who are also members of the congregation.

The term of appointment for the appointed members is three years. The term is renewable.

One of the Directors is appointed Chairperson by the Company members. A Deputy Chairperson is also appointed by the Company members, in consultation with the Chairperson.

The Board of Directors meets not less frequently than eight times a year. Two thirds of the Directors constitutes a quorum. Special meetings may be convened by the Delegate of the Provincial or the Chairperson with not less than three days notice to Directors.
The Board of Directors has established a number of sub-committees. These are Governance; Policy Review; Finance; Audit and Risk Management; Community Engagement; Buildings; Facilities; Resources and IT. These committees report to the Directors at each meeting.

С槼ºÖ±²¥ College Board policies can be found here. Please note they are currently under review. If you have a question in relation to a policy please email principal@dramalan.act.edu.au