
Community Engagement

С槼ºÖ±²¥ / Our School / Community / Community Engagement
Students and staff participating in the annual Vinnies Sleepout at the College

Students and staff support many charities and worthy causes in many different ways during the school year. Here are just a few of the ways we support our community –

  • Red Cross Blood Bank donations – student blood bank donors
  • Operation Christmas Child – boxed Christmas gifts for less fortunate children overseas
  • Relay for Life – participation by students and staff
  • Communities at Work – Lawson House charity
  • Lifeline – Phillip House charity
  • St Vincent de Paul Winter appeal – collection of goods on Sacred Heart Day
  • St Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal – collection of goods for Christmas hampers
  • Vinnies Sleepout – supported by students and staff
  • Samaritan House – donations of goods
  • World Vision Child Sponsorship – Cuthbert House charity
  • Red Cross – Merrick House charity
  • MSC Missions Clean Water Project – staff salary deductions and uniform free days
  • Vietnam Community Project – staff and students community building project in Mau Chau Valley
  • Share the Dignity – collection of products for women in crisis
Helping stack and move books for the annual Lifeline Bookfair
Helping stack and move books for the annual Lifeline Bookfair

We are involved in many other activities in the local community through volunteering, performing (music, dance, drama), managing and participating in sporting teams and events, attending youth conferences, work experience, producing public exhibitions (art, fashion, woodwork, metalwork, technology), participating in competitions (Hospitality, Maths, Science, Art, Dance), attending local ceremonies and venues, supporting С槼ºÖ±²¥ staff and families in times of need and supporting one-off fundraising efforts.

Thank you to students, families, and staff for your ongoing support and contributions towards the many charities and events we support as a school family.

Students participating in the "Shave for a Cure Day" fund-raising event
Students participating in the “Shave for a Cure Day” fund-raising event